
Disruptive coworking adventures for

fearless growth seekers

Join the most empowering, curated tribe of trailblazers in the world.

Our unconventional experiences are for those who travel for challenges, not comfort.
Those who push boundaries to find out what they’re truly made of.
The HELL YES people.

Join a handpicked group of 9 fearless, purpose-driven, hell yes people setting off on epic co-working adventures. Our trips are designed to create deep bonds and spark a lifelong journey of belonging to an itinerant community of best friends.

We nomad together, we grow together, and we live a life of purpose supporting each other.
We’re unapologetically disruptive and ready for anything.

Are you?

Upcoming trips

What’s our vibe?

Build lifelong connections

with hell-yes people

We're a tribe of unconventional, authentic, driven, fearless, and seriously inspiring souls.
We live life with a "go big or go home" attitude, embracing every experience that makes us grow.

Wanna shower under an icy waterfall? Hell yes.
Wanna ride a bike in the desert and camp under the stars? Hell yes.
Wanna share trauma stories in the hot tub? Hell yes.

Sharing is what we're all about. We open our hearts, we get vulnerable and we create those rock-solid relationships that last. No judgment here, just pure acceptance and unconditional love.

No one has to do life alone, that sucks.
We've got each other's backs. We're there for the ups and the downs, we journey along life together and we make it a fucking epic ride.

Create strong bonds

through adventures

Alright, here’s the deal. If you wanna make real connections with people, you gotta get out there and experience some intense emotions and challenges together.
Stuff like sliding down a freakin' volcano, biking through a rainstorm, digging a van out of a snowdrift and whatever.

When you're out there exploring the unknown with your peoples, you have to rely on each other, and that's when the good hormones get released and real bonding happens.

Our trips are like a rollercoaster of feels. Excitement that'll make your heart race, wonder that'll leave you speechless, tears that'll flow like rivers, laughter that'll have your belly aching, fear that'll make you feel alive, and a sense of purpose that'll give you all the warm fuzzies. It's an emotional smorgasbord, and we're in it together.

Live your most fulfilling,

happiest life

We escaped the 9-5, the matrix, the rat race.
We live an unconventional life and we have the power to run our projects and follow our purpose from anywhere in the world.
Can you say #dreamjob? I mean, come on.
But with great power comes great responsibility. It's all about finding that sweet balance between work and play.

We believe in living a life of adventure and embracing the endless possibilities that the remote work lifestyle offers.
Dive headfirst into a world where work and play come together like PB & Jam.
Let's make the most of this lifestyle of freedom and create memories that'll make you go "damn, life’s awesome!"

A greenhouse for

your development

We’re growth nerds and we've created a nurturing environment for you to thrive. Break down cultural barriers and social norms, bust through limiting beliefs and challenges. We're all about encouraging a collaborative and inspiring space where you can spread your wings like a majestic eagle! No more holding back!

Join workshops, skill shares and masterminds to unlock your true potential. It's like a buffet of knowledge and growth where you can learn rad life skills and level up both in your professional game and personal journey.

Stay in touch